1:1 Good Movement Guidance

Welcome to

1:1 Guidance

A six-month partnership to help you process and express your emotions, reconnect with yourself and others, and break generational cycles—so you can thrive personally and relationally, without sacrificing your work or way of life.

It’s Time to Feel What You’ve Been Bottling Up

Life in rural America isn’t easy. The long hours, the constant pressures, the demands of the land, livestock, and family—it takes a toll. You’re tough, you’ve got grit, but somewhere along the way, toughness started meaning bottling up emotions and pushing through.

But here’s the truth: that strategy?

It’s not working. It’s weighing on you. Maybe you’ve noticed it, maybe you haven’t, but the numbers don’t lie. We’re breaking down, and it’s showing up in our bodies, our relationships, and in the rising suicide rates in agriculture.

You don’t have to carry this alone. There’s another way.

Are you ready for this?

Ready for a change?

What I Offer

This is a space where you can finally take a breath and feel what you’ve been avoiding—without judgment, shame, and without fear of being labeled “weak” or “too emotional.”

In 1:1 Guidance, we work together to get real about how you’re doing because pushing feelings down doesn’t make them disappear. It forces them out in other ways: stress, burnout, physical pain, and isolation.

Here’s What You’ll Get in the 6-Month Package:

Monthly 1-Hour Zoom Calls: We’ll dig into what’s really going on under the surface. Together, we’ll figure out the emotions you’ve been numbing and offer tools to process them in real time.

Unlimited Access via Voxer or WhatsApp: Got a rough day between calls? Reach out anytime to talk through a challenge or get guidance and I’ll reply during my office hours.

Does this Sound Like you?

Bottling Up Your Emotions

You’ve gotten good at shoving your feelings down to get through the demands of rural life, but it’s taking a toll—leading to stress, burnout, and even physical pain.

Struggling in Your Relationships

The emotional disconnection is seeping into your marriage, family, and partnerships. You love them, but the miscommunication and frustration are growing.

Stuck in a Generational Cycle

You’ve seen your parents and grandparents bury their emotions, and now you find yourself doing the same—wondering how to break the cycle and create real emotional connection.

Overwhelmed by Stress and Financial Pressure

The unpredictability of rural life—market changes, droughts, and financial strain—keeps you in a constant state of anxiety, with little room to catch your breath.

Why This Matters

We’ve all heard the jokes that paint emotional toughness as the ultimate badge of honor in rural life: “You’re not a sensitive snowflake,” right? But just because we aren’t snowflakes doesn’t mean we aren’t hurting. Not showing emotion doesn’t make it disappear—it just gets buried deeper.

The damage from shoving down emotions shows up when we lose touch with ourselves, our families, and the life we love. 1:1 Good Movement Guidance isn’t about changing who you are. It’s about reconnecting you with who you are underneath the weight of old habits.

It’s about learning to feel again—because when you feel, you heal.

Why Choose 1:1 Guidance?

This isn’t your typical mental health support. My approach is rooted in understanding the unique challenges of rural life—its rewards and its struggles. I know that mental well-being isn’t just about what’s happening in your mind, but also how it impacts your body, relationships, and connection to the land.

1:1 Good Movement Guidance takes all of that into account. We’ll work together to focus on:

Emotional Well-being

Unpacking stress, anxiety, or feelings of overwhelm.


Strengthening relationships and community bonds, even in isolated settings.


Building mental, emotional, and physical resilience for the tough days.

1:1 Good Movement Guidance

This isn’t just about getting through the next season. It’s about reshaping how you experience your life, your emotions, and your relationships. 

What You’ll gain

Emotional Clarity

Learn how to process and express your emotions in a healthy, constructive way.

Stronger Relationships

Improve communication and grow deeper, more connected relationships with family, friends, and partners.

Personal Resilience

Build emotional and mental resilience to handle the stresses and unpredictability of rural life.

Break Generational Cycles

Unpack inherited patterns of emotional repression and create healthier emotional habits for yourself and future generations.

Practical Tools

Gain actionable tools to manage stress, reduce burnout, and navigate difficult conversations with more ease.

Here is the Process


Free Consult

Take 30 minutes and find out if 1:1 Guidance is right for you.


Sign Up


Get Started

Once you’re signed up, we’ll get started with our first monthly call.

Choose the best option

Payment Plan

  • 6 Monthly 1-Hour Zoom Calls
  • Unlimited Access via voxer or WhatsApp
  • Support from Someone who understands agriculture and rural life

One Payment

  • 6 Monthly 1-Hour Zoom Calls
  • Unlimited Access via voxer or WhatsApp
  • Support from Someone who understands agriculture and rural life

This is Right for you if…

  • You feel emotionally exhausted
  • You’re struggling with strained relationships
  • You want to break free from generational patterns

This is Not for you if…

  • You’re not ready to explore your emotions
  • You’re looking for a quick fix
  • You’re unwilling to challenge cultural norms around emotions in rural life.
Meet your Guide

Hey, It’s me – T.

Having lived in rural America my whole life, I understand the unique dynamics rural living brings to relationships. And I’ve found that the stockmanship principle of good movement applies not only to our interactions with our livestock but also to interactions with our fellow humans. 

Good movement starts with us, and taking a holistic approach, focusing not only on improving communication skills but also on nurturing emotional and mental well-being, that’s when the real good stuff happens.  

Whether you’re navigating the highs and lows of marriage, family dynamics, or friendships in rural America, my goal is to help you express yourself authentically and understand others with compassion. 

So, here’s to embracing vulnerability, fostering understanding, and experiencing joy in relationships. 

Here’s to drawing good movement!

The Enneagram: A Tool, Not a Box

This guidance isn’t about slapping on a smile or “just getting by.” It’s about understanding yourself—really understanding yourself—and learning how to feel what you’ve been shoving down for so long.

And in our work together, I may use the Enneagram (a personality typology system) to help us better understand what drives you—your fears, motivations, and patterns. It’s not about labeling you, but about giving us language and insight to break free from old cycles. We’ll explore your type, use it as a guide, and move forward with clarity and intention.

Some frequently asked Questions

Good Movement Guidance is holistic mental health support designed for rural lifestyles. We address your well-being as a whole—mind, body, emotions, and relationships. It’s a space to explore the emotional patterns and dynamics that keep you stuck, and to work toward real change.

Therapy can focus on diagnosing and treating mental health conditions. I’m not a therapist, but I guide you through emotional growth, improved communication, and navigating feelings in a proactive, down-to-earth way. Think of this as practical support for your emotional and relational well-being.

The Enneagram is a personality typology tool that helps you understand the core motivations, fears, and patterns that shape how you think, feel, and act. It identifies nine different personality types, each with its own strengths and challenges. In our work together, we use the Enneagram to gain deeper self-awareness and break free from old habits, helping you grow emotionally and improve your relationships.

This service is designed for farmers, ranchers, and rural folks who feel the pressures of rural life. If you’re struggling with communication, feeling disconnected, or bottling up emotions, this is for you. It’s especially helpful if you’re ready to explore those feelings and make lasting changes.

You’ll have one 1-hour Zoom call each month, plus access to me via Voxer or WhatsApp during office hours. This setup is designed to fit your busy rural schedule without overwhelming you.

By the end of the six months, you can expect to have a clearer understanding of your emotions, better communication skills, and a deeper sense of connection with yourself and the people around you. My clients often feel more grounded, less stressed, and more at peace with their relationships.

The 6-month program is priced at $900. Payment plans are available to ensure the service is accessible. You’re investing in your emotional and relational well-being with personalized support throughout.

Yes! You can schedule a free consultation to see if this service is right for you and to ask any questions you may have. Scheduling this free consultation is actually the first step toward us working together.

Still Unsure or have questions? Let’s talk about it.