Let’s work together

Are you Ready to draw good movement?

Good movement starts with us, and taking a holistic approach, focusing not only on improving communication skills but also on nurturing emotional and mental well-being, that’s when the real good stuff happens.  

Here is how I can help

Hey, It’s me – T.

Having lived in rural America my whole life, I understand the unique dynamics rural living brings to relationships. And I’ve found that the stockmanship principle of good movement applies not only to our interactions with our livestock but also to interactions with our fellow humans. 

Whether you’re navigating the highs and lows of marriage, family dynamics, or friendships in rural America . . .

You have come to the right place

Ways to work together

Good Movement

1:1 Guidance

Good Movement

The Collective

Good Movement

On-Site Guidance

1:1 Guidance

This isn’t just about getting through the next season. It’s about reshaping how you experience your life, your emotions, and your relationships. 

A six-month partnership where you and I work together to help you process and express your emotions, reconnect with yourself and others, and break generational cycles—so you can thrive personally and relationally, without sacrificing your work or way of life.

  • Personal Resilience
  • Break Generational Cycles
  • Stronger Relationships
  • Clarity in Communication
  • Confidence in Relationships
  • Freedom from Overwhelm


The Good Movement Collective is a safe space for you to explore patterns, break cycles, learn, and grow.

a 6-month group coaching program for emotionally tapped rural women who are ready to clearly and confidently communicate so they can eliminate overwhelm and experience joy in their relationships.

On-Site Guidance

This isn’t about soft talk—it’s about making sure your team can communicate clearly, handle stress better, and work together in a way that benefits the operation and relationships.

A personalized, on-site or virtual experience where we work together to improve communication, understand each other’s motivations, and foster better teamwork—so your operation runs smoother, and relationships stay strong.

  • Tailored to Your Team
  • Clear Communication
  • Built for Rural Life
On-site Good Movement

“I hired Terryn as a one time Enneagram coach for one of my 2021 Rural Rooted women’s business retreats and was so impressed I brought her on full time for all of my 2022 retreats.

Her teaching manner is authoritative and confident, yet warm and welcoming. She does an excellent job helping women understand how to apply the enneagram to better their lives in a very simple yet powerful way.”

– Natalie Kovarik

On-site Good movement

“Terryn is very knowledgeable and putting things into a context that resonates with her audience.

I have seen improvement in how we communicate and interact with one another on the ranch since having her here.”

– Austin Anderson

“Better to feel it and walk through it than spend a lifetime being slowly poisoned by it.”– Anne Lamont

This isn’t just about getting through the next season. It’s about reshaping how you experience your life, your emotions, and your relationships. 

Where would you like to go

Schedule Virtual Coffee

Join the Collective

Get 1:1 Guidance