
Introducing the Good Movement Collective [episode 22]

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I’m often asked if I’ve ever considered becoming a family or relationship therapist. Truthfully…I have! However, I don’t feel like going back to school and taking that particular route is right for me. Instead, I’ve decided to put my gift of guiding folks through their relationship journeys to work in a different way. With that being said, I’ve been working hard behind the scenes over the last couple of months to bring something to life I’m very excited about, which is, the Good Movement Collective!

I’ve lived in rural America my whole life, and I understand the unique dynamic that rural living brings to relationships. I’ve also found that the stockmanship principle of good movement applies not only to our interactions with livestock, but also to the interactions with our fellow humans. In today’s episode, I share more about the Good Movement Collective – specifically, why I saw a need to create this program in the first place, what you will learn and gain from this program, and how the content, teaching, support, etc., will be delivered to you.

While I know my relationships are far from perfect, I’ve also learned that God lays things on my heart for a reason, and he continues to send me signs until I take action (like…I need ALL the signs). After many conversations with other rural women, I saw the need to provide support in a space that would allow them to break cycles, learn, and grow in any/all of their relationships. If you’re ready to break free from the overwhelm that comes with unresolved emotions, unspoken thoughts, and experience a newfound sense of peace and joy in your life, I would love nothing more than to have you join the Good Movement Collective!

In this episode, Introducing the Good Movement Collective, we cover:

  • Why I decided to create the Good Movement Collective
  • What you can expect and gain from the Good Movement Collective
  • The type of content and how it will be delivered to you + personalized guidance, support, and more from me

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More about the Good Movement Draws Good Movement podcast:

In stockmanship (the art and science of handling cattle in a safe, effective, low-stress manner), we have this phrase . . . good movement draws good movement. 

It’s this thing that happens when we ask a small group of cattle, maybe a cow, or a pair to move out in a certain direction and their movement draws the whole herd into moving in the same direction.

Good movement happens when we approach the cattle with a positive attitude, read and really listen to what they’re telling us, and communicate accordingly. 

We don’t approach the aware, flighty cattle the same as we do the tame, docile cattle. We adjust ourselves, our energy, and approach, and communicate with each differently.

These adjustments help us effectively draw good movement from each, which then draws good movement from the herd. But it starts with us.

The same is true for humans. Good movement starts with us.

Welcome to Good Movement Draws Good Movement, the podcast where farmers, ranchers, and rural folks can grow relationally through awareness, understanding, and effective communication.

Hey, it’s me – T. I’m your host, and I, along with my guests, will be covering topics related to drawing good movement – things like self and social awareness, brain science, positive psychology, extending grace, and so much more. 

We’ll share tools that can help you understand why you are the way you are, why others are the way they are, and how you can use that to step out of self-told lies with grace and compassion to draw good movement in conversations, relationships, and life in rural America. 

Tune in every Tuesday and make sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode! Let’s go draw good movement!

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