Where is the Why? [episode 45]
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I kept going back and forth with what I wanted to share in this episode (yep, typical Enneagram 9 here), but something in particular has been on my heart and my mind a LOT lately. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been really bothered about our lack of ‘why’ – like, why are we just assuming we already know #allthethings, and not being more curious about what’s going on around us? Just like with a car that’s not running properly, it’s important to get to the root of the issue and actually fix what’s wrong, instead of letting it go until it stops running all together.
In today’s episode, I talk about where is the ‘why’; we must understand that if we don’t choose to ask questions and dig into things deeper (instead of ‘playing it safe’ at the surface level), we won’t really be able to resolve anything. The lack of ‘why’ has become more of a significant issue for me after consuming one of Dr. Gabor Matè’s books, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts (linked below), all about addiction. This book really changed the game for me and has led me to become hyper aware of common behaviors, issues, etc. in our society. ALL of our problems come from some type of wounding; in order to actually repair and heal what’s happened, we should be pursuing actual solutions, not slapping on band-aids to simply cover up the problem!
I know this is deep stuff I’m sharing here, and it isn’t going to be an ‘easy fix’ – it’s something that will be a slow burn, and will definitely take time. I also know I’m going to try my damnedest to proceed with compassionate curiosity, instead of making swift judgment calls that would have felt easier in the past. When we all start getting more curious and taking time to find the ‘why’, I believe that more wounds are going to be healed. As a result, we’ll finally have solid solutions to the problems that we face in this world, and goodness, that would be a beautiful thing for every single one of us!
In this episode, Where is the Why?, I cover:
- Understanding that if we don’t choose to ask questions or dig deeper into something, we won’t be able to truly resolve it
- What totally changed my viewpoint on our lack of ‘why’ + the hyperawareness I now have regarding many behaviors and issues in the world
- Realizing that ALL problems come from woundings that haven’t healed + why we’re going to completely miss what we’re seeing if we don’t stop and ask ‘why’
Resources & Links:
- In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts
- Join the waitlist for the Good Movement Collective
- Good Movement music by: Aaron Espe
- Podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting
Connect with Terryn:
- Follow on Instagram @terryn.drieling
- Check out my website
- Send me an email at terryn@terryndrieling.com
Related Episodes:
- Episode 30: Let’s Normalize Asking Questions
- Episode 43: My Mind-Blowing Realization About Emotions
More about the Good Movement Draws Good Movement podcast:
In stockmanship (the art and science of handling cattle in a safe, effective, low-stress manner), we have this phrase . . . good movement draws good movement.
It’s this thing that happens when we ask a small group of cattle, maybe a cow, or a pair to move out in a certain direction and their movement draws the whole herd into moving in the same direction.
Good movement happens when we approach the cattle with a positive attitude, read and really listen to what they’re telling us, and communicate accordingly.
We don’t approach the aware, flighty cattle the same as we do the tame, docile cattle. We adjust ourselves, our energy, and approach, and communicate with each differently.
These adjustments help us effectively draw good movement from each, which then draws good movement from the herd. But it starts with us.
The same is true for humans. Good movement starts with us.
Welcome to Good Movement Draws Good Movement, the podcast where farmers, ranchers, and rural folks can grow relationally through awareness, understanding, and effective communication.
Hey, it’s me – T. I’m your host, and I, along with my guests, will be covering topics related to drawing good movement – things like self and social awareness, brain science, positive psychology, extending grace, and so much more.
We’ll share tools that can help you understand why you are the way you are, why others are the way they are, and how you can use that to step out of self-told lies with grace and compassion to draw good movement in conversations, relationships, and life in rural America.
Tune in every Tuesday and make sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode! Let’s go draw good movement!