Building Community with Kylie Epperson [episode 39]
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I’m super excited to have my good friend, Kylie Epperson, on the podcast today!
Kylie is a midwestern farm wife, mom of 3, entrepreneur, agricultural advocate, and so much more. She’s on a mission to help rural women live authentic, confident, and colorful lives, and has found immense gratitude as she’s experienced rural living, ag life, and motherhood. More recently, she’s passionate about building the Farm Wives Club™️ community and membership, and is thrilled to be offering the first live, in-person event this fall (September 2024)! Kylie has navigated her fair share of ‘high highs’ and ‘low lows’ on her farm wife journey over the last decade.
Kylie was craving authentic community and connection after experiencing personal struggles with her family’s farm; this ultimately led her to create the Grateful Farm Wife (her initial online presence), and eventually, evolved into the Farm Wives Club™️. In today’s conversation, Kylie and I chat about building community, and the beauty that comes from being vulnerable with other women who just ‘get it’. We need real, raw, and genuine connection with others now, more than ever, because community and connection are what allow us to thrive, regardless of the season of life we’re in. Kylie also shares more juicy details about her upcoming Farm Wives Club™️ event, and why this will allow you to fully recharge, renew, and (re)connect before you head back home to gear up for harvest season.
We aren’t meant to live life isolated, and think that no one understands our struggles – we should be actively connecting with others, and nurturing relationships that allow us to flourish. Kylie is actively building community and showing us that authentic connection IS possible (and very much needed). Whether you’re a farm wife or not, I know you’ll take away incredible value from this fun and energizing conversation!
Kylie Epperson is a midwestern farm wife, mom of three, entrepreneur, rural community builder, farm advocate, and engaging speaker. Through her online presence and Farm Wives Club™️ event and community, she shares the real, relatable ins and outs of Midwest farm life. Her mission is to help rural women find their own power, transform rural loneliness into deep, supportive community, and rediscover their true selves as they navigate the farm life. Kylie’s storytelling, infused with gratitude and humor, opens up about the joys and struggles of motherhood and farming, creating a space where authenticity is celebrated, and vulnerability is met with support.
In this episode, Building Community with Kylie Epperson, we cover:
- Kylie’s beautiful and vulnerable journey that started with the Grateful Farm Wife + how this led to her to find more gratitude and awareness in her life
- The ‘seed of desire’ that grew into the Farm Wives Club™️ + what this has evolved into
- Why we need deeper connection in our world today (now, more than ever) + understanding that community is vital, and allows us to thrive
- Kylie’s idea for a Farm Wives Club™️ in-person, live event + how this will allow you to feel renewed and (re)connected before pouring back into your loved ones at home
Resources & Links:
- Join the waitlist for the Good Movement Collective
- Good Movement Trainings
- Good Movement music by: Aaron Espe
- Podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting
Connect with Kylie:
- Farm Wives Club™️
- Follow on Instagram @kylieepperson_
- Check out her website
Connect with Terryn:
- Follow on Instagram @terryn.drieling
- Check out my website
- Send me an email at
Related Episodes:
- Episode 6 | Rethinking Mental Health with Ashley Machado
- Episode 9 | Ripple Effects with Emily Reuschel
More about the Good Movement Draws Good Movement podcast:
In stockmanship (the art and science of handling cattle in a safe, effective, low-stress manner), we have this phrase . . . good movement draws good movement.
It’s this thing that happens when we ask a small group of cattle, maybe a cow, or a pair to move out in a certain direction and their movement draws the whole herd into moving in the same direction.
Good movement happens when we approach the cattle with a positive attitude, read and really listen to what they’re telling us, and communicate accordingly.
We don’t approach the aware, flighty cattle the same as we do the tame, docile cattle. We adjust ourselves, our energy, and approach, and communicate with each differently.
These adjustments help us effectively draw good movement from each, which then draws good movement from the herd. But it starts with us.
The same is true for humans. Good movement starts with us.
Welcome to Good Movement Draws Good Movement, the podcast where farmers, ranchers, and rural folks can grow relationally through awareness, understanding, and effective communication.
Hey, it’s me – T. I’m your host, and I, along with my guests, will be covering topics related to drawing good movement – things like self and social awareness, brain science, positive psychology, extending grace, and so much more.
We’ll share tools that can help you understand why you are the way you are, why others are the way they are, and how you can use that to step out of self-told lies with grace and compassion to draw good movement in conversations, relationships, and life in rural America.
Tune in every Tuesday and make sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode! Let’s go draw good movement!