Knowing When to Set a Boundary with Sheila Hansen [episode 40]
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I’m very excited to welcome my ‘bestie as a guestie’, Sheila Hansen, onto the podcast!
Sheila is one of my dearest friends who’s also in Nebraska – she’s a fellow mom of 3, and a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) who’s had her own firm for 7 years (she has over 15 years experience in the accounting space though). She’s on a mission to help female owned businesses feel confident about their money and build wealth, without burnout. Sheila experienced a major identity crisis when she became a mom; over time, this led her to start her own accounting firm. As she began to delve into her life in other ways, her self-awareness and communication skills were totally revamped, which led to another significant life shift.
Sheila ultimately found herself navigating a divorce, as well as co-parenting with her former spouse. In today’s conversation, Sheila and I discuss knowing when to set a boundary, and really, what can happen when you have healthy boundaries in place. While getting a divorce wasn’t something Sheila set out to do, the transition for her and her family has been much smoother due to improved communication and healthy boundaries. When you choose to work through and really process ‘your crap’ (aka your emotions), shame, guilt, and other negative feelings no longer weigh you down, no matter what life decides to throw your way. You’re able to be more ‘in tune’ with yourself and get much needed support where YOU specifically need it, which ultimately leads to you experiencing more joy, energy, and fulfillment.
It can feel challenging and super uncomfortable to work through difficulties in your life, but when you choose to do so, so much GOOD comes from it too – Sheila and I both know this well! Maybe you’re struggling with knowing when to set a boundary, or you’re capping the potential for you and what is possible for your life. Whatever it is, please know that you ARE worth doing this work (regardless of how hard it may be) – the healing that awaits you on the other side is pretty incredible!
Sheila Hansen is a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) and has had her own firm based in Nebraska for the past 7 years. She lives on 5 acres with her 3 kids, a horse and a tortoise. As an Enneagram 4, she has space for emotions and uses that in her accounting business to support female business owners as they become confident financial decision makers. She saw the need for not only the tactical how to when it comes to business finances and taxes, but also the mindset and understanding the money stories we tell ourselves. In addition to holding a CPA license, she is certified as a Life Coach.
In this episode, Knowing When to Set a Boundary with Sheila Hansen, we cover:
- The identity crisis that Sheila experienced in her career and motherhood, and how it eventually led her to start her own accounting firm
- How improved self-awareness and communication greatly impacted Sheila, and ultimately, led to divorce and co-parenting for her and her former husband
- What can happen when you have healthy boundaries in place and choose to release all expectations
- Learning to honor and accept the emotions you’re experiencing, instead of suppressing them and feeling shame, guilt, etc.
- Why attachment and attunement are what humans need most, and are also lacking most
- Getting support where you need it so you can truly understand YOUR particular needs, and get out of what feels like ‘survival mode’
- Being willing to open your mind to what is possible, and ultimately, allow more joy into your life
Resources & Links:
- Listen to Episode 11 of the Profitable Women Podcast: The Power of Self-Awareness with Terryn Drieling
- Join the waitlist for the Good Movement Collective
- Good Movement Trainings
- Good Movement music by: Aaron Espe
- Podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting
Connect with Sheila:
- Follow on Instagram
- Check out her website
- Listen to The Profitable Women Podcast
Connect with Terryn:
- Follow on Instagram @terryn.drieling
- Check out my website
- Send me an email at
Related Episodes:
- Episode 36: Boundaries Are Kind
- Episode 25: The ‘Thick Skin’ Myth and How We View Emotions in Rural America
More about the Good Movement Draws Good Movement podcast:
In stockmanship (the art and science of handling cattle in a safe, effective, low-stress manner), we have this phrase . . . good movement draws good movement.
It’s this thing that happens when we ask a small group of cattle, maybe a cow, or a pair to move out in a certain direction and their movement draws the whole herd into moving in the same direction.
Good movement happens when we approach the cattle with a positive attitude, read and really listen to what they’re telling us, and communicate accordingly.
We don’t approach the aware, flighty cattle the same as we do the tame, docile cattle. We adjust ourselves, our energy, and approach, and communicate with each differently.
These adjustments help us effectively draw good movement from each, which then draws good movement from the herd. But it starts with us.
The same is true for humans. Good movement starts with us.
Welcome to Good Movement Draws Good Movement, the podcast where farmers, ranchers, and rural folks can grow relationally through awareness, understanding, and effective communication.
Hey, it’s me – T. I’m your host, and I, along with my guests, will be covering topics related to drawing good movement – things like self and social awareness, brain science, positive psychology, extending grace, and so much more.
We’ll share tools that can help you understand why you are the way you are, why others are the way they are, and how you can use that to step out of self-told lies with grace and compassion to draw good movement in conversations, relationships, and life in rural America.
Tune in every Tuesday and make sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode! Let’s go draw good movement!